Hello there, fellow editors, or more specifically what we lovingly refer to as, “Group 3.”

It is with careful consideration and definitely not procrastination induced panic, that I present to you my story choice to be considered for publication in our esteemed magazine. “The Debutante,” by Leonora Carrington is perfect for publication because it digs its delicate fingers into the tender flesh of fiction and tears at the fragility of the human psyche. The piece wraps itself around the reader and journeys with them on a subtly humorous road through the complexities of responsibility and sensibility in a beautiful absurdist fashion. The purpose of “Group 3 Publishing,” is to deliver delectable  of fiction, and that is what I think this piece is and why it has potential in our magazine.

The piece: https://biblioklept.org/2014/01/05/the-debutante-a-short-story-by-leonora-carrington/




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